Campus Safety

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PC Campus at night

Porterville College: Ensuring Safety for an Open Campus 

Porterville College is an open campus located at the base of the Sierra Mountain Range in the Southeastern area of Tulare County. Because of its open accessibility, all students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to exercise a sense of personal responsibility for their own safety and well-being, and the safety and well-being of others. While crime can happen anywhere, when we act as a community that knows and cares about the safety of others, ourselves, and our property, we lessen the likelihood of being victimized, and we showcase our Pirate Pride. 

Campus Safety Officers 

PC’s Department of Public Safety relies on officers with exemplary customer service skills and previous law enforcement experience. All officers employed with the department receive specialized training in campus police, safety operations and continually partake in professional training in First Aid, CPR, emergency response, and disaster preparedness. Upon employment, they also complete the Porterville College Field Training Officer program. Additionally, our Safety Officers have received certifications required by California Penal Code 832 by the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards & Training and the California Bureau of Security & Investigative Services to meet the requirements set forth in California Education Code 67381 and SB1626 

Student Safety Representatives (SSR) 

The department employs SSR’s through the Federal Work Study (FWS) program that are enrolled in criminology classes and/or that express an interest in public safety. SSR’s help and assist the college community by aiding in parking enforcement and provide customer service by manning the Safety Security Window located at the Student Cafeteria. SSR’s also provide foundational department services like safety escorts, student dispatch, Officer assists, and more. This program provides SSR’s a unique opportunity to experience and learn about work in the Public Safety field. 

Porterville Police Resource Officer 

PC is always looking for ways to improve the safety and security of students, staff, and community members on campus. Through an agreement between the college and the Porterville Police Department, the college receives additional support by the PD with our very own dedicated Police Officer assigned solely to the campus. With this long-standing partnership between both agencies, we have been able to take huge strides towards a safer campus and increased security, greatly minimizing incidents and deterring crime on campus.