Sex Offender Registration

Sex Offender Registration Form

Persons convicted of sex offenses under California Penal Code Section 290 who are full time/part time students, full time/part time employees, volunteers, contractors, and/or certain carrier drivers are required to register with Campus Safety. These persons must register withing 5 days of enrollment or employment. Registrants are also required to notify College Safety within 5 days of discontinuing enrollment or employment. Registration with College Safety does not relieve the person of registration within their local jurisdiction or visa versa.


IMPORTANT: College Safety will not process registration until both parts have been completed. 


Sex Offender Registration Process: 

1. Complete the Sex Offender Registration Form by clicking link above. 

2. Schedule an appointment with College Safety at or (559) 791-2440. 

3. Be prepared to have your photo taken by a College Safety Officer. 

4. At this appointment you will need to provide the following documents: 

• Government Issued Photo Identification / CA Driver’s License 

• Copy of your Sex Offender Registration Paperwork or card 

• Copy of your current class or work schedule 

Megan's Law

In 1994, seven year old Megan Kanka was raped and murdered by a convicted sex offender with two prior convictions of child sexual abuse. Prior to her death, states required sex offenders to register, but registry information was mostly limited to law enforcement. A grassroots movement championed by Megan's parents after her death galvanized the public and demanded that sex offender registry information be made available to the public.

In 1996, President Bill Clinton signed the federal "Megan's Law". The law provides guidelines that states must use to notify the public of sex offender information. It also enhances online sex offender registry information databases.

For more information, contact Campus Safety or follow the links below: