Planning Documents

This page is where Porterville College's key planning documents are stored. These documents are listed in alphabetical order with descriptions below and are provided as PDF files or as links if they are located elsewhere.
Accreditation Reports. This is a link to a page on the Porterville College web site that contains all of our accreditation documents for the past six years.
Budget Planning Calendar: This document is used by the budget committee and the College Learning Council to guide the planning of budget activities each year.
Distance Education Plan: The PC Distance Education Plan, updated in 2023, includes data on the college's distance education program, the policies and organizational structure of distance education at the college, and a set of goals and objectives for distance education at PC for the future.
Educational Master Plan: The Educational Master Plan is the major document outlining the history of the college, its organizational structure, and its plans for the future. This document contains data on the college, demographic information, and information on the surrounding community.
Enrollment Management Plan. Our first ever Enrollment Management Plan was adopted in Spring 2012. The attached plan is for 2017-2022.
Facilities Master Plan. The College's Facilities plan, completed in 2024, provides information on the college service area and plans for lands, buildings, and other facilities well into the future.
Guided Pathways Work Plan. Guided Pathways is a program that is designed to streamline programs and processes that improve student outcomes in California Community Colleges. This Work Plan, based on a statewide template, describes the process as it works at Porterville College.
IPAA: Integrated Planning Document. IPAA stands for Integrated Planning, Assessment, and Action. This document describes most of the planning processes at Porterville College including activities, plans, calendars and timelines. It was first adopted in the fall of 2012 and was updated most recently in 2023.
Information Technology Plan. This is the college's Information Technology (IT) Plan, which runs from 2024-2028.
KCCD Functional Map. This document, entitled "Kern Community College District: Elements of Decision Making", is designed to provide a functional map of district services, outlining in both chart and text format which services are provided in a centralized manner and which are decentralized to the colleges. This document was updated in June 2018.
KCCD Strategic Plan. The current Kern Community College District Strategic Plan was updated during the 2018-19 academic year. It aligns with the California Community Colleges Vision for Success and includes district-wide goals.
Participatory Governance at Porterville College. This document provides an overview of the participatory governance process at Porterville College and the responsibilities of each staff member and student within that process.
Program Review. Porterville College's program review process was reviewed and modified in the spring 2006 semester. This web page, part of the Office of Institutional Research site, provides key program review documents, data for academic divisions to use for their reviews, and PDF versions of program reviews that have been conducted recently.
Program Review Process Chart This document is a flowchart describing the program review process and how each program review will be used in the planning and budgeting process.
Staff Development Plan This plan, developed in the 2018-19 academic year, outlines recent data on staff development needs and plans for upcoming activities.
Strategic Plan. This is the college's current Strategic Plan which runs from 2021-24. The plan is linked with the statewide Vision for Success and our Guided Pathways Pillars.
Strategic Planning Calendar: This document shows the various strategic planning activities that take place and when they should happen during each academic year.
Student Equity Plan: The College's Equity Plan addresses gaps in student achievement and plans to narrow those gaps. More detailed information can be found on our Student Equity Page An Executive Summary of the plan can be found here.