Admissions process

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  1. Complete the 5 Easy Steps to becoming a PC Student
  2. Complete AB 540 Form and/or the Residency form.
  3. Apply for the CA Dream Act Application. Follow this Dream Act Application Checklist to successfully submit your application.
  4. If you are asked for additional documentation by A & R, submit all materials to

Contact Admissions & Records for additional guidance on completing the AB540 form.


"Ethics and equity and the principles of justice do not change with the calendar." -D. H. Lawrence


Click the following titles to view information about each topic:

AB 540, signed into law on October 12, 2001, authorizes any student, including undocumented students who meet specific criteria to pay in-state tuition at California's public colleges and universities (e.g. California Community College, California State University, and University of California). Non-resident students are required to pay “out-of-state” or “non-resident” tuition fees to attend California's public colleges and universities. These fees are much higher than “in-state” or “resident” tuition fees. Any student, except a person in nonimmigrant status, who meets the requirements, shall be exempt from paying nonresident tuition at all public colleges and universities in California if they meet the following requirements below as shown in the section AB540 Criteria.

SB 68 will allow students to count full-time attendance at a California Community College, Adult School, Department of Rehabilitation and Correction School, High School, or combination of these schools to meet the 3 years required to be eligible for in-state tuition. Students who have three years of high school coursework can also count attendance at an elementary school. Quick Fact Sheet

  • Satisfaction of either of the following:
    • High school attendance in California for three or more years, OR
    • Attainment of credits earned in California from a California high school equivalent to three or more years of full-time high school coursework and a total of three or more years of attendance in California elementary schools, California secondary schools, or a combination of those schools.
  • Graduated or will graduate from a California high school or attainment of General Education Development (GED), High School Equivalency Test (HiSET), or Test Assessing Secondary Completion (TASC), AND
  • Will register or enroll in an accredited and qualifying California college or university, AND If applicable, complete (d) an affidavit to legalize immigration status as soon as you are eligible, AND
  • Do not hold a valid non-immigrant visa (F, J, H, L, A, B, C, D, E, etc.)*

“California Non-Resident Tuition Exemption Request”

You must obtain, complete, and submit the AB 540 Affidavit to the Admissions Office when you register/enroll. You may be required to submit additional documentation such as high school transcripts and appropriate records of high school graduation or the equivalent.

  • Cal Grant,Chafee Grant, Middle Class Scholarship
  • UC Grants, State University Grants
  • California College Promise Grant (formerly known as BOG Fee Waiver)
  • Some University scholarships
  • Some private scholarships administered by campuses

Application deadline for all Dreamer Cal Grants and most of the other aid listed above is March 2.


Dreamer Cal Grants include:

  • High School Entitlement Cal Grant A & B
  • CCC Transfer Entitlement Cal Grant A & B
  • Cal Grant C
  • High School Entitlement Cal Grant A & B
    • Meet AB 540 requirements
    • Graduate high school or equivalent (GED, CHSPE) after July 1, 2013
    • Submit a high school GPA
  • CCC Transfer Entitlement Cal Grant A & B
    • Meet AB 540 requirements
    • Under 28 by Dec 31st of the award year
    • Attend a community college in the academic year immediately before the award year
    • Submit a community college GPA of 24+ units (2.40 or higher)
    • Include a 4-year college on your Dream App
  • Cal Grant C
    • Meet AB 540 requirements
    • Enroll in an occupational or technical program
    • Indicate an occupational or technical program on Q#30 of your Dream App

To make sure you are considered for Cal Grants, follow this checklist.


You must meet the application deadline and all applicable eligibility requirements to qualify for any financial aid listed above.