PC Timely Care

student sitting at a laptop with a butterfly logo over their shoulder

24/7 Virtual Medical and Mental Healthcare for Students


PC TimelyCare is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year for emotional support, medical support, basic needs, and self-care resources. The best part is that it's free for Porterville College students. 


TimelyCare is a safe space to take care of your mental and medical health from the comfort and safety of your own home or anywhere you can use your phone! ðŸŒŸ

Visit Timely Care today to get the care you need!

In addition, check out PC's CampusWell for helpful information and articles to improve your health and build a healthy lifestyle.

Click on the images to visit the Timely Care site:

PC Timely Care logo PC Timely Care FAQ