In the event of an explosion, violent accident, or aircraft crash, immediately take cover under tables, desks or other objects to protect against glass or debris. When the effects of the explosion have subsided, notify Campus Safety at 559-791-2440 If necessary, or if directed, activate the building evacuation/fire alarm.

Evacuate the immediate area in danger. If inside a building, evacuate the building. Be aware of structural damage. Stay away from glass doors and windows. Do not touch or move any suspicious objects.

Assist others in evacuating the affected area, especially persons with impairments. (See our Evacuation page.)

Once outside, move to an area that is at least 50 feet away from the area in danger. Help Campus Safety Officers and college staff determine that everyone has safely evacuated the area in danger.

Keep walkways clear for emergency vehicles.

Do not return to any buildings or areas affected by the explosion until an "all clear" has been given by the emergency personnel or college management staff