Student trustee
The KCCD Student Trustee offers a student's perspective and advice to the KCCD Board of Trustees at monthly and special Board meetings. The student trustee is educated on upcoming programs, policies, and expenses that will be presented to the Board for approval. Using knowledge collected from the college's history, administrators, faculty, and staff but most importantly to students.
Who is the KCCD Student Trustee?
The KCCD Student Trustee is a member of the student body from one of the three KCCD colleges. The student serves as a member of the KCCD Board of Trustees. Each year students from each of the campuses can self-nominate and they are on the ballot for each of the colleges. The students on each of the campuses are able to vote for the Student trustee. The Student Trustee shall be voted upon by the student population. The voting occurs during the spring ASPC General Elections preceding the term of service, and they commence their term of office at the first KCCD Board of Trustees Meeting in June.