Scholastic recognition

Special recognition is accorded students whose academic achievement in any one semester meets the requirements for placement on either the President's List, the Dean's List or the Limited (Part-Time) Dean's List.
To qualify for one of the honors lists, the student must have earned the following grade point average and grade points in classes where a letter grade is assigned:
Honors Designation
- President's Honor List Criteria: Semester GPA of 3.5 with a minimum of 42 grade points and enrolled full-time (12 credits).
- Dean's Honor List Criteria: Semester GPA of 3.0 with a minimum of 36 grade points.
- Limited (Part-Time) Dean's Honor List Criteria: Semester GPA of 3.0 with a minimum of 18 grade points.
Honors Recognition at Commencement
Students who have completed at least 60 units in degree applicable letter-graded courses with at least 12 of those units at Porterville College, and who have earned a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or higher will be identified in the Graduation Programs and recognized at the Commencement Ceremonies as “Honors Graduate."
June 11, 2014