Articulation is the process of developing a formal, written agreement that identifies courses
(or sequences of courses) on a “sending” campus that are comparable to, or acceptable
in lieu of, specific course requirements at a “receiving” campus. Articulation helps
students make a smooth transition from Porterville College to the four-year college
or university without experiencing a delay or duplication of coursework. Each college
or university has its own program requirements, which vary with the student’s intended
major. Articulated courses may be transferred to meet elective credit, general education,
or major preparation.
Students planning to transfer from Porterville College to a California university
can find articulation information online at or in person at the Counseling Center (AC 126). The ASSIST database reflects the
most current official articulation agreements that every CSU and UC campus has established
with each of the California Community Colleges or with other CSU or UC campuses.
In addition, the C-ID (Course Identification Numbering System) is a common numbering
system that allows California community colleges to cross reference comparable courses.
Courses that share a C-ID number have been determined by participating California
colleges and universities to be comparable in content and scope. To find courses with
approved C-ID designators, please visit The C-ID system is useful for students attending more than one community college.
Students should always confirm on how each college’s course will be accepted at a particular four-year college or university
for transfer credit.