
Transfer Students


Articulation is the planned process linking together two educational institutions to help students make a smooth transition—without experiencing a delay or duplication of coursework—from the community college to the four-year College or university. Porterville College has articulation agreements with a variety of institutions of higher education.

To understand the concept and process of Articulation, see this article: "Articulation for Non-experts: Understanding the Processes and the Jargon."

Students planning to transfer from Porterville College to a UC or CSU campus can find articulation information online (go to or in person at the Counseling Center (AC 126). ASSIST ( is a database that contains information on lower-division major requirements and general education requirements and their equivalent at the Community College.

To view the ASSIST repository listing all of these requirements, click here:


ASSIST Summary of Requirements


This list is the official repository for all articulation--course-to-course, general education and general transferability.

In addition, the CI-D list is a common numbering system that allow colleges to cross reference courses. You can view this list here:


CI-D List


Current Porterville College students wishing to find out more about articulated courses or transfer information contact the Counseling Center at 559.791.2329.

2+2 Articulation Credit By Exam - (High School / Porterville College)

Porterville College has a process of evaluating course to determine whether coursework completed at a high school/ROCP/Adult School will meet the requirements at a community college for the purposes of awarding college credit. It is a planned process linking educational institutions and experience to assist students in making a smooth transition from one level of education to another without experiencing delays or duplication in learning.

Articulation/Credit By Exam Agreement

An articulation agreement is a formal, written and published document that describes which coursework from the “sending” institution (e.g. college, high school/ROCP/Adult School is accepted as a comparable to or in lieu of coursework at the “receiving” institution (e.g. community college, University.)

For a current list of PC courses articulated with colleges and universities, check ASSIST ( or contact Miles G. Vega at 559-343-3744 or