We’re glad you’re interested in becoming a PC Pirate while in high school! Please take a few minutes to become familiar with our Notice to Minors Statement and our Terms and Conditions pertaining to this program.
As you are interested in taking college courses, here are a few college terms that may be helpful to you:
Helpful College Terms
If you are taking a college course outside of your high school schedule, then you may be responsible for the cost of your textbook and other miscellaneous student fees.
If you are taking a college course and it is scheduled to occur in your high school schedule, then there will be no cost to you. If you are unsure, please contact us at PCdualenrollment@portervillecollege.edu.
Lastly, there are many resources available to you here at Porterville College as a college student. These resources are below.
- PC Directory - Use to find contact information for a PC staff or instructor.
- Bookstore – eCampus - Find your textbook, and purchase, if needed.
- Library - Search for resource materials for research papers and access a large lending library.
- Learning Resource Center - Submit papers for review before submitting for a grade to your teacher. You can also request online tutoring here.
- Disability Resource Center - If you have an IEP on file at your high school you can obtain additional support services at PC.
- Student Health & Wellness - As a PC student, you can access free health care services here.
If you need any additional help while in the Early College Program here at PC and are unsure who to contact, please email us at PCdualenrollment@portervillecollege.edu.