Program Review

Program Review is an important part of the ongoing planning process at Porterville College. Each campus department, both instructional and support-related, conducts a program review at least every three years or whenever a budget is being requested and the reviews are evaluated by the College Learning Council. The Program Review information page provides information useful to departments in conducting their reviews.
There are three sections of information below. The first lists documents useful in conducting program review. These include the documents describing our program review process and the forms we use as well as the division and program outline, which shows how each of our courses fits into an academic division. Next come program review data files. These are both used by instructional programs as measures of progress and as an overview of the students they serve. (Other data may be provided upon request by the Office of Institutional Research. Please contact us with as much advance notice as possible). Finally, at the bottom of this page, you will find a list of completed program review documents.
Important Documents
Program Review Forms Instructional Divisions This is a Microsoft Word document that is to be used by instructional divisions to complete their program reviews. Just download this document, fill out the form using the instructions provided, save it and bring copies to the College Learning Council (CLC) for approval. Once approved by the CLC, completed program review forms should be emailed as an attachment in Word form to the Director of Institutional Research. Completed reviews will be posted on this site below.
Program Review Forms Non-Instructional Programs The same form, except this version is specific to non-instructional programs.
Program Review Update Form. This document is to be completed each year by every program, even if a program review is scheduled during the same year. It allows the program to update information on SLOs, goals, staffing and technology needs, and budget requests. The form is sent to each budget manager each year with information on previous year's actual budget expenditures pre-completed.
Program Review Schedule This document shows when each instructional division or non-instructional program is scheduled to undergo review. Porterville College began using a 3-year cycle in 2008-09.
Program Review Handbook This document describes the program review process as it works at Porterville College, with instructions for completing forms and advice on best practices and mistakes to avoid.
Program Review Approval Process Chart This document is a flowchart describing the program review process and how each program review will be used in the planning and budgeting process.
Assessing Program Reviews
Each program review is evaluated by the Strategic Planning Committee for completeness using a rubric, provided below. Program reviews that do not meet institutional expectations in any area of the rubric are sent back for correction. Once complete, program reviews are forwarded on to the College Learning Council to be used in budgeting and decision-making.
Program Review Assessment Rubric This rubric describes the expectations of the Strategic Planning Committee as it evaluates Program Review documents.
Program Review Reports
The academic year in which the program review was scheduled to be completed is listed in parentheses below. Note this is the year the program review was due; if it was late, that does not change this indicator or the schedule for its next review.