Promise Program

About the Promise Program - Apply to the Promise Program
Welcome to PC's Promise Program
The Porterville College Promise Program serves first-time college students through their student education plan of support to complete an associate’s degree, career technical certificate, or transfer requirements, while preparing for employment in their field of study.
The program is open to students with the ability to attend full-time, with on-time completer’s (30 units per year, meeting the 15 to Finish Campaign), declare a Pathway, and establish an Education Plan.
We are optimistic that our goal of providing a comprehensive road map for our scholars will expand access, success, and persistence for every student to obtain their educational goal.
Essential Features
- Enrollment Fee Waiver
- Priority Registration
- Grant Assistance
- Transportation Passes
- Food Insecurity Assistance
Porterville College and our Foundation view the Porterville College Promise Program as a conduit to advance our institution as well as an opportunity for the Foundation and College to involve prominent business leaders, alumni and other successful individuals willing to commit their time, resources and talent in order to support Porterville College and the greater community. Through building these relationships, Porterville College encourages our students to be the best and our institution will provide an exceptional education that will break through the intergenerational poverty barriers. Every student should attain their educational goal on their path to success. Together we will make a lasting promise to our community and every student that their dream is possible with Porterville College. Porterville and surrounding communities will thrive when graduates with college degrees, technical certificates, or preparations are produced.