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PC Campus

Apply to CalWORKS

CalWORKS applications are open.
The CalWORKs Program provides services to students who receive TANF (Temporary Aid for Needy Families, formally known as AFDC) and who have been referred by their TulareWORKs caseworker and monitors academic progress. Other services include CalWorks work study (on- and off-campus), job placement, job search skills, resume writing, interviewing techniques, academic advising, books, funding for child care, mileage reimbursement, and job readiness workshops.

What can PC CalWORKs do for you?

  • Mileage Reimbursements
  • School Supplies
  • Academic Advising
  • CARE/CalWORKs Luncheon


  1. Student must be a recipient of CalWORKs cash aid benefits
    • Must meet all conditions of eligibility with the County
  2. Student must complete an Agency Certification/Gold Form and have an updated Student Education Plan on file
  3. Must be registered for classes at Porterville College