Tutoring and Academic Resources
We Are Here to Help!
Please explore the many resources available by clicking on each tab and viewing the content at the bottom.
Students can receive assistance from Peer and Embedded Tutors virtually via appointment.
Tutoring is on a first come, first served basis with the tutor on duty for the desired subject. Tutoring sessions are approximately 20 minutes. Students can arrange to have designated, recurring appointments with a specific tutor.
Embedded Tutors also attend classes with students and provide tutoring assistance during the class. All tutors are CRLA International Tutor Training Program Certified.
Need to access the Virtual Learning Center? Click here:
In addition, the CRLA (College Reading & Learning Association) has a tutor training program and other helpful resources.
The Math Mentors are available on a walk-in, first come, first served basis. The sessions last up to 20 minutes but can be longer if there is no one waiting. The mentors are able to help PC students with the full range of math classes.
Need to access the Virtual Learning Center? Click here:
Writing Mentors assist other students with their assignments in English on a drop-in basis. Students may work with mentors on any writing assignment they are completing for any course at the college, and at any stage of the writing process, from learning how to generate ideas to mastering proofreading techniques. Students are free to drop-in on a first come, first served basis throughout the semester.
Need to access the Virtual Learning Center? Click here:
A PASS Leader is a student who has succeeded in a specific course and the instructor has chosen to act as a role model for other students. The PASS Leader holds scheduled bi-weekly or tri-weekly study sessions for small groups of students in his or her course.
Need to access the Virtual Learning Center? Click here:
Click here for the schedule of Tech Navigators.
View the Tech Navigators Job Description.
Contact a PC Tech Navigator at:
Pctechnavigators@portervillecollege.edu or 559-791-3670
View the following job descriptions for Peer Mentors and Assistants:
Need to access the Virtual Learning Center? Click here:
Canvas is Porterville College's learning management system; it is where you will find your online courses (go to insidePC, login, and under tools, click on “Canvas”).
Zoom is a web conferencing software that is integrated into Canvas.
How to Use Canvas (Students) Videos:
- Canvas Overview (Students)
- Calendar Overview (Students)
- Collaborations Overview (Students)
- Dashboard Overview (Students)
- Discussions Overview (Students)
- Feedback Overview (Students)
- Files Overview (Students)
- Groups Overview (Students)
How to View and Submit Assignments on Canvas Videos:
How to Complete Quizzes on Canvas Videos:
How to Use Various Features on Canvas Videos:
How to Use Canvas on a Mobile Device (Cell Phone):
Canvas Student App Overview:
Mobile Guide (Links to an external site.)
Android All Users (Links to an external site.)
How to Use Zoom:
Try to find a quieter place with fewer distractions. Do what you can to ensure you have good internet or cell signal. (If your bandwidth is low, trying turning off your video.)
- Download the Zoom software at https://zoom.us/download.
- https://zoom.us/test and check your internet connection, audio, and video. (If the audio isn't working, make sure your computer volume is turned up and your microphone is on.)
- Go to your course's Canvas site.
- Click on the ConferZoom link in the left navigation of your course.
- Close tabs and applications you won't need, particularly those with notifications.
- Turn your camera on (if needed).
- Mute your mic (bottom left corner).
Other Zoom notes
Zoom has several tools that your instructor might use. Get familiar with them.
If Zoom freezes on you, give it a couple of seconds to reconnect.
- Reach out by Chat to see if it's a temporary glitch.
- If you don't hear or see anything, exit the meeting and try to re-connect.
- If it's slow or choppy, try turning off your camera (click "Start Video" in the bottom left corner until it's crossed out).
- If you're still having trouble, join by phone.
- For further assistance, contact PC Tech Navigators (hyperlink to page)
Google Docs Videos:
Microsoft Videos:
Getting Technology Ready:
Relax: Virtual Coffee Shop, Rain & Jazz
Virtual Tours
Abraham Lincoln Home - Springfield, IL
Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum
Scott’s Hut and the Explorers’ Heritage of Antarctica
Virtual Hike of the Sierra Nevadas (Bishop Pass Trail)
Explore Mars on the Curiosity Rover
Societies and Networks
- American Chemical Society Scholars Program
- American Institute of Architects/American Architectural Foundation Minority Disadvantaged Scholarship Program
- HENAAC Scholars Program
- MESA Statewide
- Mexican-American Engineers & Scientists (MAES) Local Chapter Awards
- NIH (National Institutes for Health)
- NSF REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates)
- National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP)
- Research Internships in Science & Engineering (RISE)
- Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE)
- Summer Undergraduate Program in Engineering Research at Berkeley (SUPERB)
- Undergraduate Award - Association for Women in Science (AWIS)
Other Helpful Websites
Great website that provides detailed descriptions of STEM career knowledge, skills and tasks. Good link for students interested in pursuing a STEM career, but who still need to do a little career exploration.
State of Minnesota STEM Resource Website
This is an overall great website to obtain general STEM information.
STEM Lesson Plans & Resources on Livebinders
A great STEM website for teachers; full of STEM lesson plans and resources.
Institution for Broadening Participation: Pathways to Science
Website focused on promoting education and career opportunities in the STEM fields to students, with an emphasis on reaching members of underrepresented groups. The types of content posted include program information, news items, profiles, events/conferences, fellowship opportunities and resource links.
Science Pioneers has a good catalog of STEM Careers
This is a great website for people interested in Engineering. It has lesson plans and engineering-based activities for kids.
Free online video tutorials from college instructors around the world!