Health Careers

Welcome to Health Careers
- New enrollment period added. Starting 2023, the ADN (RN) program will have biannual application periods. See Important Dates & Deadlines below for more information.
Porterville College Associate Degree Nursing Program uses the Multi-Criteria Selection and Ranking process for student selection (AB 548). Admission will be offered to the highest ranking applicants whose documentation supports information provided in the application. To access the Registered Nursing Multicriteria Screening Process and Application, Program Information, and other resources, click on the Future Students.
Important Dates & Deadlines
Psychiatric Technician Program Application Period
The Health Careers Department will be accepting applications for the PT program, see below for the next open application period. Applications can be submitted in HC-2041 or by mail. For more information and to download the PT application, click on Future Students.
January 1-31 for August (Fall) PT cohort
June 1-30 for January (Spring) PT cohort
Registered Nursing Program Application Period
The Health Careers Department will be accepting applications biannualy. Applications can be submitted in HC-2041 or by mail. For more information on program requirements, RN Application and Multi-Criteria Selection Process, and other important resources click on Future Students.
January 1-31 for August (Fall) RN cohort
June 1-30 for January (Spring) RN cohort
Required Transcript Evaluation Deadline
For courses taken from any college other than Porterville College, students must submit official transcripts and Request for Transcript Evaluation form to Admission and Records office by the appropriate deadline listed below.
January 15th:
-If applying to the June RN application period (Spring cohort)
-If applying to the September Advanced Placement application period (LVN-RN, Transfer, Military) (Spring cohort)
August 15th:
-If applying to the January RN application period (Fall cohort)
-If applying to the February Advanced Placement application period (LVN-RN, Transfer, Military) (Fall cohort)
Emergency Medical Technician - Basic Program
The Health Careers Department offers the EMT-B program every Fall and Spring semester. There is no program application to complete, students must be a Porterville College student and enroll to the course via the InsidePC student portal.
Day & Time Options
Fall and Spring - Mondays & Wednesdays - 5:15pm - 9:45pm
Summer 2024 - Tuesdays, Wednesdays, & Thursdays - 5:15pm - 9:20pm
Additional Information
Attention Registered Nursing Applicants!
New enrollment period added. Starting 2023, the ADN (RN) program will have biannual application periods. See Important Dates & Deadlines section for more information.
Porterville College Associate Degree Nursing Program uses the Multi-Criteria Selection and Ranking process for student selection (AB 548). Admission will be offered to the highest ranking applicants whose documentation supports information provided in the application. To access the Registered Nursing Multicriteria Screening Process and Application, Program Information, and other resources, click on the Future Students.