Facilities Master Plan Listening Session

The creation of the new Campus-Wide Facilities Master Plan continues at Porterville College. On Monday, January 29th, a capacity crowd sat in the Student Center Conference Room for a listening session.
The meeting was held with the cooperation and expertise of our collaborators, a consulting firm known as Lionakis, and the partnership of The Collaborative Brain Trust,
They provided an overview of the current master plan and then alloted ample time to hear concerns and new ideas from the public with regards to future improvements at Porterville College.
The Facilities Master Plan provides information on the college service area and plans for lands, buildings, and other facilities well into the future. This process will provide an informed update to the 2018 Facilities Master Plan that will carry on as the college approaches it’s centennial anniversary in 2027.
The updated plan will allow us to enhance and grow our academic and support services to support student success. We continue to be excited to share and collaborate with our stakeholders and local communities on revamping the Facilities Master Plan.