Campus road construction scheduled for the beginning of October

Beginning in early October, road construction will block a portion of College Avenue and make the road inaccessible from South Main Street. This will create traffic congestion and parking issues in the area, particularly on College Avenue, Plano St., and CA 190 (especially during PUSD student pickup and drop-off times).
To maintain safety and to reduce the impact of this congestion, we will be closing the Administration and Athletics parking lots on College Ave. to facilitate a passthrough lane that will allow changes in the way students are picked up and dropped off from Vandalia Elementary, Pioneer Middle School, and PC for several weeks. These changes should help to alleviate some of the expected congestion and delay.
We ask that all Students, Faculty, and Staff take advantage of the ample parking available in the Jamison Stadium parking lot and the rear parking lots on campus (entrance from Plano Ave.). Those lots will remain open with access available from Plano for the rear lots and main street (at the stadium gates) for the Stadium lots.
This roads project is part of the Porterville College Master Plan and will ultimately make travel through the area easier and safer for vehicles and pedestrians.
Please continue to check the News from the Crow's Nest and your campus email in the coming weeks for messages containing more information and maps detailing proper travel through the area, procedures, and appropriate parking, pick-up, and drop off locations.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation in helping us make this project as safe and low impact as possible for everyone.