Outreach and Recruitment

Outreach and Recruiting table

PC’s Outreach Service Mission

Porterville College Outreach and Recruitment’s mission is to foster and support collaborations between local schools and community organizations in an effort to recruit and enroll prospective students. Porterville College Outreach and Recruitment will focus on higher education exposure, promotion, and activities thru early college, adult learners, underrepresented populations, and cultural diversity.

Services provided through Outreach

  • College Fairs/Tabling Events: to provide information to prospective students at community organizations or k-12 systems.
  • Presentations: to learn general information about Porterville College’s degrees, certificates, and programs; student support programs and student life on campus.
  • Application Workshops: to provide pre-admissions information and assistance with Open CCCApply.
  • Campus Tours: to showcase our campus facilities, support services, and programs offered.
  • 1-1 Assistance: to provide one on one assistance with our Outreach team members to answer questions and ease the transition process thru the enrollment process.

Let’s Schedule PC Outreach to attend your event!

Outreach Event Request Form


Explore the videos below to learn more about Porterville College. Simply click one of the images to begin.

Start Small Go Big

About PC

Power of a PC Education

Are you interested in becoming a student?


Prospective Student Interest Form

Virtual Pirate Campus Tour

Campus Tour Request Form

Outreach & Recruitment Contact


Email: outreach@portervillecollege.edu

Location: Admissions & Records (AC-112)

Outreach Office Hours:

  • Fall/Spring Semesters
    • Monday – Thursday: 8:00am – 5:30pm
    • Friday: 8:00am – 12:00pm
  • Summer Semester
    • Monday – Thursday: 7:00am – 5:30pm
    • Friday: Closed


The Porterville College Outreach and Recruitment team will have a booth at the following events:

Outreach Staff

  • Kristi Covington - Educational Advisor, Outreach - (559) 791-2314
  • Roxana Vargas Escamilia - Professional Expert