Non-Credit Application Quick Reference Guide

Current and previous students need to connect with Community Education Staff before completing a Non-Credit Application.

Connect with us:


What You'll Need

Students will need the following items to begin the non-credit application:

  • Full legal name
  • Social Security Number (SSN), ITIN, or Tax ID
    • If a student does not have an assigned SSN, ITIN, or Tax ID, then they will contact the Admissions & Records office (559)791-2220 to obtain a “P” number
  • Personal Email address
    • Students should have access to this email as this is their main source of communication from PC

Go to Non-Credit Application (CCCAPPLY)

How to Clear a Hold or Discrepancy on Your Application


Admissions and Records email:


Students may get a hold or discrepancy on their account; the following are common holds/discrepancies a student might receive and the steps they would take to clear each:

  • Application discrepancy
    • If a student gets a discrepancy on their application, they will receive an email regarding the discrepancy.
    • The discrepancy will be reviewed, and contact will be made with the student via email to assist
  • Permanent Resident Hold
    • 3 forms of ID are required to clear the hold (i.e., picture ID, SSN/ITIN, birth certificate)
    • Students may email Admissions and Records staff with the following information and a copy of each document to help clear the hold
      • Full name, CCCID number, DOB, and contact information
  • International Student Hold
    • If a student receives an international student hold, they may email Admissions and Records staff with the student's information for review
  • Any additional hold
    • Email Admissions and Records Staff with the student's information and type of hold