Kirtley King: Incomprehensibilities of Gallimaufry

Kirtley King: Incomprehensibilities of Gallimaufry Exhibition


EVENT: Porterville College Art Show: Kirtley King: “Incomprehensibilities of Gallimaufry”

DATES OF SHOW: November 7 - December 1, 2022

GALLERY HOURS: Monday - Thursday from 12 - 2 pm and 4 - 6 pm

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The public is invited to see the exhibition, Kirtley King: “Incomprehensibilities of Gallimaufry”, at the Porterville College Art Gallery.

Kirtley King describes his artworks in this way: “Visually this gallimaufry is exemplary of the emotive experiences of my object reality.” And then goes on to say, “This work is a project attempting to visually bridge the gap between the corporeal experience (sensual) and the psycho-emotive experience (emotional). These images begin to build structures that pull at the collective unconscious in interesting ways… through pattern, reflection, and surrealistic styled dreaminess. The source material for the images are flowers, landscapes, and cityscapes and they all end up feeling very different visually and that intrigues me. The flowers (both alive and dead) take on strong iconographic quality and tend to be the more sense relating pieces, the landscapes seem to breed the strongest dream quality, and the cityscapes have a very graphic quality where angles become monolithic… I hope you get close to these works to see the way image is constructed in your mind through the pattern, reflection, and dreaminess.”

Kirtley King is both an artist and an educator. Photography is usually his medium of choice, as he says, “chiefly because of its democratized existence and the subversive psychological space that only photography (or photorealistic work) can inhabit. Artists in photography get the luxury of the work being more important than the creator (most of the time) whereas, in mediums such as painting we have countless examples of the cult of personality outweighing the work produced." King goes on to say, “I also love to teach visual communication and play the drums. My work is created using a process I call Plein Air photography, where the image is edited on location to preserve the influence of the location and not relegating the editing process to the sterile environment of the computer lab or workstation.”

There will be a video interview with the artist, available for viewing in the gallery during the times of the show (in lieu of an artist reception).

The show will run from November 7 - December 1, 2022.

Gallery hours are Monday through Thursday from 12 to 2 pm and 4 to 6 pm. Parking is free.

Please contact Jim Entz at 791-2257 with any questions.

Kirtley King: Incomprehensibilities of Gallimaufry