2023 Porterville College Student Art Exhibition

2023 Porterville College Student Art Exhibition


EVENT: Porterville College Fine Art Department Presents—Porterville College Student Art Exhibition

DATES OF SHOW: April 20 – May 4, 2022

LOCATION OF ART SHOW: In the Fine Arts Foyer [Beyond the Glass Doors] and in FA-2

HOURS: Monday – Thursday from 12 pm – 2 pm and 4 - 6 pm (but feel free to drop by anytime between Noon to 6 pm on those days).

OPENING RECEPTION FOR THE STUDENT ARTISTS: Thursday, 5 – 7 pm, April 20th, in FA-2 (straight through the glass doors into the Fine Arts building)


The Porterville College Art Department invites the public to come view its Student Art Exhibition, featuring the best work of over 50 current PC art students in a variety of media from photography, painting, drawing, digital art, video, sculpture and more. The public is also invited to the reception on Thursday, April 20th from 5pm to 7pm, where refreshments will be served. All are welcome!

The PC Art Gallery is under renovation, so the show and artists’ reception is in the Fine Arts Building—in FA-2 and in the Foyer (through the double glass doors). The space is open for viewing the show Monday through Thursday from 12 am – 2 pm and 4 – 6 pm—April 20 to May 4, 2023. But feel free to drop by anytime between Noon to 6 pm on those days. Five student artworks are also available for viewing in the President’s Gallery (the reception area to the President’s office). And when classes are not in session, photographs and digital art are available for viewing in FA-1.

Parking is free.

Please contact Jim Entz at 791-2257 with any questions.

2023 Porterville College Student Art Exhibition