Educational master plan 2023 - 2028

As a community, we created our new Educational Master Plan! This Educational Master
Plan outlines the vision and goals for Porterville College's instructional programs,
student support services, facilities, technology, and staffing over the next five
years. The plan aligns with the District Strategic Plan, the State Chancellor's Office
Vision for Success Goals, and Porterville College's Mission, Vision, and Values. The
plan was data-driven and incorporates emerging educational trends and the evolving
needs of our students and our community.
The Educational Master Plan 2023-2028 was approved by the Kern Community College District
Board of Trustees on September 14, 2023.
This webpage outlines the process followed by the College as we developed our new Educational Master Plan. The Educational Master Plan 2023-2028 replaces the Educational Master Plan 2017-2021.
Monthly Progress Reports
February Update:
On February 6th, the consulting group, Collaborative Brain Trust, presented an overview of the Educational Master Planning project to the College Council. On February 9th, the Educational Master Plan Task Force held its kick-off meeting. Dr. Habib welcomed the group, expressed the importance of the EMP, and outlined the charge for the Task Force. The Task Force members shared their thoughts on the priorities for the next 3-5 years. In the coming months, the Educational Master Plan Task Force will reflect upon the insights provided by all of you, our students, and our external partners to craft our plan.
March Update:
- EMP - Discovery Report Presentation
- March Update
- EMP Task Force Meeting Agenda 3/23/2023
- 3/23/23 Meeting Notes
April Update:
May Update:
- May Update
- EMP Task Force Meeting Agenda 5/18/2023
- 5/18/23 Meeting Notes
- Discovery Report Presentation - Part II: External Environmental Scan
- Part III: Listening Sessions and Survey Results